Tilbake til alle arrangementer
Når: 2 juni, kl. 10.30-16.00
Kor: digitalt og live
The Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the future, is a hybrid one-day event aiming to set the stage for maritime’s energy transition. Hydrogen’s role in decarbonizing shipping, and the business opportunities for ocean industries, will form a natural focus for proceedings.
Nor-Shipping has partnered with Ocean Hyway Cluster , Hydrogenforum, H2 Cluster, NCE Maritime Cleantech, NORWEP, GCE NODE and GCE Ocean Technologies as co-organisers.
Participants will get insight on hydrogen innovation and development, and inspirational input from the leading players and policy makers on hydrogen.
Ocean Hyway Cluster members get 50 % off tickets, click the “buy tickets here” button below.